
This film was made possible in part by a grant from Crystal Clear Film Foundation, a non-profit organization. Your contributions will ensure the public will continue to see films such as this one. Please donate.


Our Films

May 2024
Protocol 7
Directed by Andy Wakefield
With the catastrophic regression of her adopted son, Lexi, a small-town lawyer, is confronted with the reality of corporate fraud at the highest level. Will she hold a massive corporation accountable in this true whistleblower story?
Directed by Andy J Wakefield
In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.
July 2020
1986: The Act
Directed by Andy J Wakefield
Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19... a never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom – a mother’s intuition - is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?
Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?
Directed by Andy J Wakefield
A unique insight into how ignorance, negligence, and indifference in the US healthcare machine lead to the tragic death of a severely autistic Chicago teen, and a charge of Murder One for his mother and godmother.

Welcome to 7th Chakra Films 

Andy Wakefield has been likened to the Dreyfus of his generation -- a doctor falsely accused of scientific and medical misconduct, whose discoveries opened up entirely new perceptions of childhood autism, the gut-brain link, and vaccine safety. As an ‘insider,' the price for his discoveries and his refusal to walk away from the issues they raised, was swift and brutal, with loss of job, career, reputation, honours, colleagues, and country. And yet he enjoys a huge and growing support from around the world.